zaterdag 17 mei 2014

Ik bloesem

"O-oTotus floreo iam amore virginali totus ardeo novus, novus amor  es, quo pereo "

I blossom,
now with pure young love
I am on fire!
This love is new, is new,
Of which I perish

(from Carmina Burana : pleasant is the season)

de vlier

the elderflower

In de vroege morgen
In the early morning

For more entries on
visit Ailsa 's blog
by a click on these lips

2 opmerkingen :

Don't hesitate, just write something on the window or the walls, because I'ld love to read what you're thinking.

Aarzel maar niet. Hier mag je op het raam of de muren schrijven, gewoon omdat ik je graag wil lezen.